Saturday, February 15, 2014

What Is The Good News In Afghanistan?

U.S. Army Capt. Jason Gillespie, left, U.S. Army 1st Sgt. Casey McFall, middle, and U.S. Army 1st Lt. Maurice Coopers conduct live-fire range training with M4 carbines on Forward Operating Base Lightning in Afghanistan's Paktiya province, Feb. 14, 2014. Gillespie, McFall and Coopers, are assigned to the 10th Mountain Division's Headquarters Company, 3rd Brigade Combat Team. U.S. Army photo by Pfc Dixie Rae Liwanag

No News Is Good News From Afghanistan -- Tom Vanden Brook, USA Today

Bad news out of Afghanistan?

One school of thought at the Pentagon goes this way:

Start winning. Good news will follow.

It's often said half in jest. But only half. The problem isn't so much the message as it is the substance. And the substance and messaging of the last few days have been bad and worse.

Consider this: Afghan justice department officials — over some of the most vocal and harsh criticism to date by U.S. commanders — released 65 prisoners on Thursday, most linked to attacks on American troops and Afghan civilians.

On substance, that's just plain bad. Dossiers provided to USA TODAY show the inmates Afghan officials sprung to be a legion of losers and killers.

Read more ....

My Comment: From my perspective .... there has been zero good news from Afghanistan for a very very long time.

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