Wednesday, March 5, 2014

If Given A Choice .... I Would Prefer Playing Soccer Over Preparing For War Any Day

He Shoots... He Scores! Moments After Russian Troops Fired Warning Shots Over Their Heads, Ukrainian Soldiers Get On With Something More Important – A Game Of Football -- Daily Mail

You would be forgiven for thinking this kickabout was taking place on a lunch break at some remote army barracks - not on the frontline of a region braced for war.

Just moments earlier, these Ukrainian soldiers had been involved in a tense stand-off with Russian troops who fired warning shots over their heads in a dispute over a strategic air base.

But despite the escalating crisis on the Crimea, they still felt relaxed enough to arrange a game of football, while the Russians looked on, unimpressed.

Read more ....

My Comment: These soldiers got it right.

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