Tuesday, April 22, 2014

After Weeks Of Delays The U.S. - Russian Open Skies Treaty Flights Resume

The first MC-12 Liberty aircraft in-theater lands after its first combat sortie at approximately 6:20 p.m. local time June 10 at Joint Base Balad, Iraq. The Air Force's newest intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance platform, the MC-12 is a medium-altitude manned special-mission turbo prop aircraft that supports coalition and joint ground forces. Wikipedia

U.S. Conducts Spy Flight Over Russia -- Bill Gertz, Washington Free Beacon

Moscow confirms it canceled flight last week.

After a tit-for-tat series of delays, the United States conducted an Open Skies Treaty intelligence flight over Russian territory on Monday, a State Department official said.

The spy flight originally was scheduled for April 14 but was canceled by Russia after a U.S. team for the flight failed to arrive near Moscow on time and Moscow refused temporarily to reschedule it.

A Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman also expressed anger on Monday over U.S. delays in certifying a new high-tech Russian aircraft to be used for spying missions over the United States under the Open Skies Treaty that permits limited legal spying over U.S. and Russian territory.

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My Comment:  The damage has already been done. Russia's refusal last week for a scheduled U.S. flight was unprecedented .... if you cannot inspect you cannot verify .... and if you cannot verify .... why have a treaty. The trust has already been broken .... regaining it is going to be hard.

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