Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Life In Crimea Grows Chaotic Under Russian Rule

Under Russia, Life In Crimea Grows Chaotic -- New York Times

SIMFEROPOL, Crimea — After Russia annexed Crimea practically overnight, the Russian bureaucrats handling passports and residence permits inhabited the building of their Ukrainian predecessors, where Roman Nikolayev now waits daily with a seemingly mundane question.

His daughter and granddaughter were newly arrived from Ukraine when they suddenly found themselves in a different country, so he wonders if they can become legal residents. But he cannot get inside to ask because he is No. 4,475 on the waiting list for passports. At most, 200 people are admitted each day from the crowd churning around the tall, rusty iron gate.

“They set up hotlines, but nobody ever answers,” said Mr. Nikolayev, 54, a trim, retired transportation manager with a short salt-and-pepper beard.

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My Comment: It is always easy to blame Russia, but the fact of the matter is that when Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was overthrown two months ago, the entire country went into a chaotic state. This situation worsen when Russian aid and credit was denied to the new interim government in Kiev.... coupled with a slow response from the West in replacing this assistance. As for Crimea .... like everyone else in Ukraine .... they have not been able to escape this chaos, but with Russian aid I would say that they have a better chance of getting out it sooner than their Ukrainian neighbors.

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