Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- April 22, 2014

Why Obama Must Be In Asia -- Christian Science Monitor editorial

The Obama trip to Asia fits a pattern of recent presidents trying to help a fractious region avoid conflicts by uniting around shared values. Pivotal to this US role are a regional trade pact and China's acceptance of universal values.

Ever wonder why American leaders travel to Asia so often?

Barack Obama’s trip this week fits a pattern of frequent presidential visits going back decades. The reason is not because Asia is big, dynamic, or dangerous. Rather, the United States is the only country – at least for now – able to assist a fractious region in working toward eventual unity around common values.

Largely on their own, Europe and Latin America have each created a regional unity of countries that promises to ensure peace and prosperity. Asia, which is still divided by deep rivalries, territorial tensions, and unresolved war histories, needs help. Mr. Obama, like three presidents before him, seems to embrace the task, although not always enough.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

Obama Asia tour: China 'the elephant in the room' -- Carrie Gracie, BBC

Why Obama's Asia Tour Is Bad News for China -- Shannon Tiezzi, The Diplomat

Three Reasons Why Ukraine Matters for the U.S. Pivot to Asia -- Erik Brattberg, Real Clear World

President Obama, disregarding his own red line, dithers on Ukraine -- Washington Post editorial

No drama in Obama’s Ukraine policy -- Michael O'Hanlon, Reuters

A Putin affiliate evokes Hitler. The West should be worried. -- Richard Cohen, Washington Post

Putin’s career roadmap goes back to the emperors Peter and Catherine -- Steve LeVine, Quartz

Don’t Look Now, But the Iran Deal Is Working -- Joseph Cirincione, Defense One

Duty and Shame as the Ship Sank -- New York Times editorial

Why a Regional Security Force Will Not Work in Afghanistan -- Arwin Rahi, The Diplomat

Karzai’s Successor Faces a Bigger Enemy than the Taliban -- Timothy R. Homan, The Fiscal Times

Is India about to elect its Reagan? -- David Cohen, The Hindu

Venezuela’s Security Forces: A Killer Elite Beyond the Law -- Marcel Ventura, Daily Beast

An Odd Hostility in the Americas -- Roger Cohen, New York Times

The American Middle Class Is No Longer the World’s Richest -- David Leonhardt and Kevin Quealy, New York Times

How Did Canada's Middle Class Get So Rich? -- Derek Thompson, The Atlantic

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