Friday, April 4, 2014

South Sudan Faces Famine As The Civil War Grinds On

UN Officials Cite ‘Race Against Time’ To Prevent Humanitarian Catastrophe In South Sudan -- UN News Centre

With no political solution to the conflict that has torn South Sudan apart in sight, senior United Nations officials working in the country stressed today that they are in a “race against time” ahead of the rainy season to help prevent a health and hunger catastrophe.

Hilde Johnson, the Secretary-General’s Special Representative and head of the UN peacekeeping mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), told a news conference in the capital, Juba, that plans are under way to establish alternative sites for tens of thousands of civilians who sought protection in UN compounds.

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More News On The Crisis In South Sudan

South Sudan: UN Warns Millions Face Potential Famine in South Sudan -- VOA
S Sudan on verge of Africa’s worst famine since 1980s -- The Nation/AFP
South Sudan Urgently Needs Help to Stave Off Famine, UN Warns -- New York Times
S Sudan on verge of famine -- iol News
South Sudan is at high risk for the worst famine in Africa since the 1980s -- The Week
S Sudan plunging into worst famine in decades, warns UN -- Mail & Guardian
S Sudan on verge of Africa's worst famine -- News 24
3.7 million at risk of starvation in S. Sudan food crisis -- World Bulletin
South Sudan plunging into worst famine: UN -- Press TV
Is South Sudan heading towards Africa's worst 21st century famine? -- Middle East Online
At Quiet Rebel Base, Plotting an Assault on South Sudan's Oil Fields -- New York Times
In South Sudan, rebel chief Machar aims to seize last operating oil field -- Christian Science Monitor
South Sudan refineries on hold due to conflict: oil ministry source -- Reuters
S. Sudan parties urged to return to negotiation table to resolve conflict -- Xinhaunet
From a Former Child Soldier, Why We Must End the Violence in South Sudan -- Ger Duany, Huffington Post

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