Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- May 13, 2014

Weak or Strong, Obama Can't Save Ukraine -- Marc Champion, Bloomberg

A good deal of U.S. commentary on Ukraine has focused on whether President Obama is being tough enough. The debate is both unrevealing and unhelpful to resolving the serious issue of how to handle a newly expansionist and nationalist Russia.

It is unrevealing because any U.S. leader would struggle to contain Russian actions in the space that falls within Russia's former empire and outside the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. George W. Bush failed to prevent the Russian invasion and dismemberment of Georgia in 2008. And history is littered with other failures to change Russian and Soviet behavior, as the Top 10 list below attests.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

Why Aren’t Sanctions Stopping Putin? -- Meghan L. O’Sullivan, Daily Beast

Russian Dilemma: Why EU Sanctions are a Bluff -- Christoph Schult, Jörg Schindler and Ralf Neukirch, Spiegel Online

Putin and the Dogs of War -- Kim Zigfeld, American Thinker

What Mr. Putin Can’t Control -- New York Times editorial

Saudi Arabia Recalibrates -- Hassan Hassan & Michael Weiss, American Interest

Syrian Regime Hasn't Abandoned Chemical Weapons -- Christoph Reuter, Spiegel Online

The Mideast peace gap: Why Kerry has failed -- Aaron David Miller, McClatchy News/L.A. Times

Its EU dream thwarted, Turkey rejects 90 million-euro Cyprus fine -- Alexander Christie-Miller, CSM

How The West Underestimated Boko Haram -- Christian Putsch, Real Clear World, Worldcrunch

Is #BringBackOurGirls a Band-Aid solution for Nigeria? -- John Vandiver, Stars and Stripes

Power Vacuums and Green Lights in the South China Sea -- Max Boot, Commentary

Venezuela: Washington’s Forgotten Revolution -- Bridget Johnson, PJ Media

Inside The Obama Administration Fight Over The Drone Memo -- Zeke J Miller, Time

Edward Snowden's Other Motive for Leaking -- Conor Friedersdorf, The Atlantic

Ordering Google to Forget -- New York Times editorial

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