As Violence Escalates In Ukraine, So Do Fears Of Civil War -- Michael Pearson, CNN
(CNN) -- Unrest intensified over the weekend in Ukraine, further raising fears of a civil war or invasion by Russia. On Friday, 46 people died in clashes in the port city of Odessa. On Sunday, pro-Russian forces stormed the city's police station and secured the freedom of protesters who had been arrested as part of Friday's unrest. Here's a look at the situation on the ground in Ukraine and what might happen should the violence continue to escalate:
Is Ukraine sliding toward civil war?
It's a very real possibility, analysts say. Russia appears to be guiding the country in that direction by inciting unrest between pro-Russian interests and Ukrainian forces, said former U.S. diplomat Christopher Hill. By sowing the seeds of unrest, Russia can make it appear that the government in Kiev is incapable of governing. "So I think the Russians have a real interest in keeping this type of crisis going, hoping it can even go to a kind of civil war and basically justify whatever it is that they want to do," Hill said Sunday on CNN.
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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials
Ukraine's Election Is Irrelevant The president will change, but the parliament won't—and that's the problem -- Linda Kinstler, New Republic
In eastern Ukraine, the mob rules -- Matt Robinson, Reuters
Ukraine’s likely descent into civil war stirs memories of Balkan conflict -- Matthew Fisher, National Post
Why the Russian sanctions don’t work -- Anatole Kaletsky, Reuters
Why does the U.S. ‘stand so idly by’ on Syria? -- Fred Hiatt, Washington Post
Obama's Weak Defense on Syria -- Michael Weiss, NOW
Will Nigeria accept US and UK help, to stop Boko Haram? It should. -- Robert Rotberg, Christian Science Monitor
Assassination in Africa: Inside the plots to kill Rwanda’s dissidents -- Geoffrey York and Judi Rever, The Globe and Mail
South Africa election: Does the ANC deserve to stay in power? -- Andrew Harding, BBC
An Unholy Alliance in East Africa -- Bronwyn Bruton, Politico Magazine
China’s looming debt bomb: Shadow banking and the threat to growth -- Nathhan VanderKlippe AND Eric Reguly, The Globe and Mail
Obama's Key Message in Asia: If China Wants a Fight, We've Got Your Back -- Ashok Sharma, Real Clear World
‘The Embrace of Unreason’: How France Lost It All Between the Wars -- Michael Korda, Daily Beast
Trans-Atlantic Supplicant: Merkel Chooses Unity over NSA Truth -- Spiegel Online
Believers in U.S. decline will be disappointed -- Andres Oppenheimer, Miami Herald
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