Sunday, May 25, 2014

President Obama Makes A Surprise Visit To Afghanistan

Obama Makes Surprise Visit to U.S. Troops in Afghanistan -- New York Times

WASHINGTON — President Obama made a surprise trip to Afghanistan on Sunday to visit American troops there, landing at Bagram Airfield outside the capital, Kabul, for the first time since a visit in 2012 when he signed a strategic partnership agreement with the government there to bring the war to an end.

The trip was unannounced, and Mr. Obama slipped out of the White House secretly on Saturday evening in advance of what White House officials said would be a Memorial Day rally with the troops. Officials said the president is also expected to get an on-site briefing from his military commanders and visit wounded service members.

Officials said that Mr. Obama will rally with some of the 32,000 service members who are currently in Afghanistan, many of whom are due to return home at year’s end when the 13-year war is officially brought to an end.

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More News On President Obama Making A Surprise Visit To Afghanistan

White House Live Stream -- White House
Obama lands in Afghanistan on surprise visit to U.S. troops -- Reuters
Obama Surprises Troops In Afghanistan -- AP
Obama arrives in Afghanistan for surprise visit -- Washington Post
On Memorial Day Eve, President Obama Lands In Afghanistan -- NPR
Obama Lands in Afghanistan for Unannounced Troop Visit -- Bloomberg Businessweek
President Barack Obama makes surprise Afghan visit -- BBC
President Obama makes surprise visit to Afghanistan -- CNN
Obama lands in Afghanistan for surprise Memorial Day visit -- CBS
Obama makes surprise visit to Afghanistan -- USA Today
Obama Visits Troops in Afghanistan for Memorial Day -- VOA


oldfatslow said...

I've got a kid in Bagram
right now. Wonder if he
heard/saw the president.


James said...

Hope he stays alright ofs.

oldfatslow said...

James, he's a Fobbit.
He should be in a nice,
safe support role for
his deployment. Another
boy was an Army medic
and was not in such a
safe environment.

FWIW, the one there now
said the President did
stop by his location and
shook his hand.

Also, FWIW, here's a
story that medic boy
told me.
