Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Congress And The White House Are Still Split On The Bergdahl - Taliban Prisoner Swap

White House-Congress Rift Over Bergdahl Deal Deepens -- Reuters

(Reuters) - A political storm over the trade of five Taliban inmates for a captured American soldier intensified on Monday when Obama administration officials told U.S. lawmakers that up to 90 people within the administration - but no members of Congress - were told in advance about the swap.

"It strikes me as unfortunate that they could have 80 to 90 people in the administration aware of what was happening and not be able to trust a single Republican or Democrat in the House or the Senate," Representative Greg Walden of Oregon, a member of the House of Representatives Republican leadership, told reporters after leaving a briefing on the exchange.

The White House has been trying to appease angry lawmakers since President Barack Obama announced on May 31 that Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl had been exchanged for the five inmates from the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.

House Republicans said they planned an investigation of the exchange deal.

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More News On The Rift Between Congress And The White House On The Bergdahl - Taliban Prisoner Swap

Bowe Bergdahl swap: Republicans angry dozens of Obama officials knew -- The Guardian
Congress not among top 90 to learn of Bergdahl trade -- WND
Boehner: White House Told Us About bin Laden, Why Not Bergdahl? -- National Journal
The Bergdahl exchange: Catch up on the latest developments -- CNN

My Comment: US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is going to testify in front of Congress tomorrow morning on the Bergdahl - Taliban prisoner swap. My expectation is that he is gong to be asked some tough questions .... and he is going to be put "on the spot".

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