Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Poll: U.S. Public Skeptical On The Bergdahl - Taliban Prisoner Swap

Public Has Doubts about Bergdahl Prisoner Exchange -- PEW Research

But Most Say U.S. Should Do All It Can to Return Captive Troops

The prisoner exchange that freed U.S. soldier Bowe Bergdahl from the Taliban in Afghanistan gets a more negative than positive reaction from the public.

Overall, 43% say it was the wrong thing for the Obama administration to exchange five Taliban prisoners for captive soldier Bergdahl, while fewer (34%) say it was the right thing to do; 23% do not offer an opinion.

The new national survey by the Pew Research Center and USA TODAY, conducted June 5-8 among 1,004 adults, finds that while this specific prisoner exchange is viewed negatively on balance, most think the U.S. has a responsibility to do all it can to free captive U.S. soldiers in general, regardless of the circumstances of their capture.

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More News On The U.S. Public Being Skeptical On The Bergdahl - Taliban Prisoner Swap

USA TODAY poll: Obama mishandled Bergdahl exchange -- USA Today
How do Americans view the Bergdahl swap? -- CBS
Most Americans say Bergdahl release came at too high a price -- Washington Post
Polls: Plurality against Bergdahl deal -- Politico
Partisan divide sharpens among Americans over Bowe Bergdahl swap -- Peter Grier, CSM
Bergdahl Prisoner Swap Stirs Concern -- Marjorie Connelly, NYT

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