Monday, June 9, 2014

Israel's Military Intelligence Chief: 170,000 Missiles Aimed At Israel

Illustration: Gaza terrorists manufacturing rockets. Flash 90

IDF Official: 170,000 Missiles Aimed At Israel -- Arutz Sheva

Terror groups are now pointing tens of thousands of missiles at Israel, a top IDF officer told listeners at the Herzliya Conference.

Terror groups have managed to replenish their supply of missiles, a year and a half after Israel delivered a crushing blow to Hamas in Operation Pillar of Defense, said Itai Brun, director of research in the IDF Intelligence branch. Speaking at the annual Herzliya Conference, Brun said said that there were hundreds of long-range missiles in Gaza – and that between Hezbollah, Hamas, and the other Gaza terror groups, there were now 170,000 missiles aimed at Israel.

Replenishing their missile supply was a chief aim of both Hezbollah and Hamas after the 2006 Lebanon War, in which Hezbollah attacked Israel with thousands of rockets, and Pillar of Defense in 2012, when Hamas slammed Israel with over 10,000 rockets. The campaign has been very successful, Brun said, citing the 170,000 figure. With that, he said, most of those rockets were of the Kassam variety – homemade, very short range.

Read more ....

Update #1: Gaza terrorists have hundreds of rockets aimed at Tel Aviv, MI expert warns -- Haaretz
Update #2: IDF chief: Dramatic armament taking place in Gaza -- Times of Israel

My Comment: I do not have access to the intel that these Israel military/intelligence officials have .... but 170,000 missiles !?!?!?! .... I am skeptical. But I guess from a military point of view it is best to over-estimate your opponent rather than under-estimating him .... that way you cannot be surprised.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Plan for the worst and all surprises are pleasant as they say..

I'm not surprised by the total number estimated but this figure includes everyone ie.. Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Syria as a state plus the Islamic Jihad groups in it currently fighting Assad as well the groups in Sinai.

Also, Hamas is now producing it's own rockets which include the M-75.

The error in the Arutzsheva article is regarding Pillar of Cloud in 2012 when Hamas fired circa 1500 in 7 days, not 10000 as quoted.
Hamas has fired in excess of 10000 since 2001 but not in the 7 day war in 2012.