Monday, June 9, 2014

Russian Deputy Minister: Russia Would Regard A NATO Build-Up Near It's Border As A Hostile Act

Photo: Russia's First Deputy Foreign Minister Vladimir Titov. Press TV

Russia Would React To NATO Build-Up Near Borders: Minister -- Reuters

(Reuters) - Russia would consider any further expansion of NATO forces near its borders a "demonstration of hostile intentions" and would take political and military measures to ensure its own security, a senior diplomat was quoted on Monday as saying.

The comments come amid a deep crisis between Russia and the West over Ukraine and days after U.S. President Barack Obama offered increased military support for eastern European NATO members to ease their concerns over Moscow.

"We cannot see such a build-up of the alliance's military power near the border with Russia as anything else but a demonstration of hostile intentions," Deputy Foreign Minister Vladimir Titov told Interfax in an interview.

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More News On Russian Warnings That A NATO Build-Up Near It's Border Will Be Regarded As A Hostile Act

Russia considers NATO buildup near its borders as demonstration of hostility - deputy FM -- Voice of Russia
Tanks, troops, jets: NATO countries launch full-scale war games in Baltic -- RT
Putin envoy warns Finland against joining NATO -- Barents Observer
Russian, NATO Arms Race Takes Shape -- Defense News


Rhaegar said...

1. Are this threats a sign of a cold war or is it "usual" threats?

Bardock99 said...

LOOL, Poland, Lithuania,Latvia,Finland etc cant fire a bullet but Russia can fire missiles....All nato countries cant put troops on the border but Russia can send them to fight in Ukraine....

Omg this russia mafia regime is unreal