Monday, June 9, 2014

World News Briefs -- June 9, 2014

Pakistani Taliban Claims Karachi Airport Raid -- Al Jazeera

Group threatens more attacks following assault that has left 29 people dead at country's busiest airport.

The Pakistani Taliban has claimed responsibility for an assault on Karachi airport that has killed 29 people, and given warning that more attacks are on the way.

Besides the dead, at least two dozen people were wounded and flights were suspended as a result of Monday's attack on Jinnah International Airport, which is Pakistan's busiest.

A spokesman for the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) said the attack, which began after midnight, was in retaliation for the treatment of TTP prisoners, for air raids in North Waziristan and for the death of Hakimullah Mehsud, who was killed in a drone strike last year.

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45 dead in clashes between jihadists in Syria: NGO.

Twin blasts at Kurdish party office in north Iraq kill 24. Twin bombing near Kurdish party office in north Iraq kills 30.

Syria becoming warlord-run failed state, says former peace envoy.

Israel deploys Iron Dome near Syrian border at Golan Heights.

Israeli cabinet mulls dwindling options with the Palestinian government.

Iran's Rouhani meets with Turkish PM Erdogan.

US, Iran, EU meet in Geneva for nuclear talks.


Pakistani Taliban attack airport in Karachi, 27 dead. Well-trained and armed, Taliban tried to hijack plane in Pakistan.

Afghanistan tightens election security after Abdullah attack.

Flash floods in Afghanistan 'kill 100' and force thousands to flee their homes.

India, China hold talks on boosting trade, border disputes.

China's trade surplus rises to $36bn in May.

China ships 'rammed 1,400 times by Vietnamese vessels'.

Myanmar military 'tortures civilians': human rights group.


Sisi keeps Egyptian premier to fix economy after turmoil.

Libya PM's election declared unconstitutional. Libyan court says PM's election invalid, raising hopes of end to stalemate.

South Sudan unhappy with rebel news conference in Sudan.

Clashes erupt over new Nigeria emir.

Eritrea 'desolate' - Catholic bishops.

South Africa platinum strike talks in crucial final day of mediation.

South Africa's Zuma leaves hospital, will rest.


Ukraine launches dual talks with Russia to end fighting in east and avert gas cut.

Shelling Ukraine’s Slaviansk causes serious destruction, leads to casualties.

Over 7,000 Ukrainians flee to Russia’s Rostov region in past day.

Kosovo PM Thaci's party clams victory.

Italy intercepts over 5,000 migrants at sea over the weekend.

King Juan Carlos: 'I don't want my son to grow old waiting like Prince Charles'.

5 sentenced, 2 to life, in Politikovskaya killing.

Pope hosts Israeli, Palestinian Presidents for prayer meeting.


Clinton says she urged end to Cuba embargo.

Sao Paulo police fire stun grenades at protesters three days before World Cup opener. Subway strikers clash with Sao Paulo police.

World Cup leaves Brazil costly stadiums, poor public transport.

Argentina players pose with banner proclaiming 'The Falklands are Argentine' before World Cup warm-up match.

Colombia government and Farc rebels to set up truth commission.

Mexican President hints may be open to change in marijuana laws.

War gear flows to US police departments.

Inmates who escaped by helicopter from Quebec prison hunted by police.


Taliban swapped for Bergdahl could be drone targets, Kerry indicates.

Top intelligence official claims: Obama admin. funded terror network ‘for the next ten years’.

Gitmo inmate with hope for ‘milk and honey farm’ makes release list.


Hackers are holding the world to ransom: Cyber attacks cost the global economy more than £328 billion a year, claims report.

World stocks rise on higher Japan growth, US jobs.

Sony 'overtakes' rival Nintendo in console sales.

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