Wednesday, June 11, 2014

U.S. Vice President Biden: U.S. Allies Are 'Xenophobic'

Joe Biden: U.S. Is Only “Non-Xenophobic” Major Economy In The World -- Salon

China, Japan, Germany are all "not nearly as welcoming of immigrants," the vice president said

Sure, China, Germany and Japan may all have less unemployment and less inequality than the United States; but you know what they don’t have, at least according to Vice President Joe Biden? A political culture that disdains xenophobia and welcomes immigrants!

Holding forth at a National Association of Manufacturers event held in D.C. on Tuesday, the vice president and possible 2016 presidential candidate spoke rather undiplomatically about the world’s other leading economies in an attempt to underline how vital it is for Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform.

Read more ....

My Comment: American arrogance on display .... again.


Unknown said...

So he is wrong?

War News Updates Editor said...

Most countries in the world are focused on their own borders and taking care of their own citizens. When it comes to issues on immigration .... these same countries are usually focused on accepting only those who can help their society .... professionals, investment immigrants, etc., are usually on the top of this list. This is not practicing xenophobia .... this is called taking care of your own people first.

Having open borders with all of the social problems that it may entail is also something that most nations simply do not want to have .... nor could they afford. To put it bluntly .... it is economics that is driving most countries immigrations policies .... not xenophobia.

Now if the U.S. wants to open their borders and let in the tens of millions who want to immigrate NOW to the U.S. in the hope for a better life .... while undermining wages and the social-cultural cohesion of the U.S. .... that is up to the U.S. and it's citizens to decide ... and decide alone. It is definitely not up to the U.S. to tell other countries on how to conduct their immigration policies .... and it is certainly not up to people like Joe Biden to point at other countries and accuse them of "xenophobia".

Unknown said...

Fair enough. I see no fault with any of your logic