Thursday, August 14, 2014

Will Israeli Leaders Be Charged For War Crimes?

Israel Braces For War Crimes Inquiries On Gaza -- New York Times

JERUSALEM — The fighting is barely over in the latest Gaza war, with a five-day cease-fire taking hold on Thursday, but attention has already shifted to the legal battlefield as Israel gears up to defend itself against international allegations of possible war crimes in the monthlong conflict.

Israel has excoriated the United Nations Human Rights Council over the appointment of Prof. William Schabas, a Canadian expert in international law, to head the council’s commission of inquiry for Israel’s military operations in the Gaza Strip.

The broader struggle will be over what some experts describe as Israel’s “creative” interpretation of international law for dealing with asymmetric warfare in an urban environment. More than 1,900 Palestinians were killed in the recent fighting, a majority of them believed to be civilians, while on the Israeli side 64 soldiers and three civilians were killed.

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My Comment: The fix is in.


Unknown said...

It's important to note, that the UN "Human rights council" consists of countries like Saudi-Arabia, and other islamic countries,China or Cuba. So it's obviously a scheme to weaken Israel and cant really be taken seriously. How many arabs were killed and how many hamas fighters are part of it is also not known.

Unknown said...

Prof. William Schabas is a war criminal and he should be tried as one. If he were tried and convicted there would be fewer experts lending their name to these political machinations.

Using biblical law he should be sentenced to anything he wanted to sentence others to. He is as serious as a heart attack. He wants to put people in prison for life or use the death penalty.

Who did what 1st matters. When someone "throws the 1st punch" you don't go after the person who retaliates for said provocation unless you are a sick twisted freak. And especially after Israel went through great pains to minimize or eliminate civilian casualties by calling people and other methods.

If this is not stopped at some point, we'll reap a bitter harvest. These countries persecuting Israel are just scaled up version of Lord of the Flies.

Yes, scalability I borrowed that from database management lingo.

Read a biography of Mao and tell me it is not a scaled up version of "Lord of the Flies". the other countries mentioned are no different.