Saturday, September 20, 2014

U.S. National Security Advisor Susan Rice Runs Away From Reporters

President Obama receives his daily briefing from Susan Rice, his national security advisor, on Aug. 12 in Chilmark, Mass. (White House Photo by Pete Souza via Flickr)

Susan Rice Bolts From Podium, Unable To Answer Reporters' Questions At White House Press Briefing -- American Thinker

The National Security Advisor of the United States did something astonishing yesterday. In the middle of a reporter’s questioning, she bolted from the podium of the White House press-room, saying, “Nice to see you,” fleeing a situation she evidently was unable to cope with.

The question that caused Ms. Rice to flee was a fairly simple one: whether or not the president has authorized the bombing of targets in Syria. Rice responded multiple times that the timing of strikes would not be released, but that was not the question at hand, and reporters pressed her on whether her boss had authorized strikes. This she could not answer. Did she not know? Or had he not bothered to sign the authorization? Or did she get her information from Valerie Jarrett and not know the details? We don’t know because she ran away. See for yourself via Breitbart.

Read more ....

My Comment: The video is here. I am sure that she is being told today that optics like that look terrible .... especially for someone in her position. Then again .... this will also be forgotten by tonight.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Generals Valerie Jarrett & Susan Rice