Sunday, October 5, 2014

A Look At How The 'Islamic State' Is Run, From Oil To Beheadings

The Anatomy Of ISIS: How The 'Islamic State' Is Run, From Oil To Beheadings -- Nick Thompson and Atika Shubert, CNN

(CNN) -- Put yourself in the shoes (and seventh-century black robes) of ISIS' Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the mysterious boss of the terror group that is striking fear into the hearts of leaders around the world.

In the past couple of years you've managed to avoid drone attacks and survive civil wars, unify militant groups in two different countries under your banner, raise an army of jihadis from across the globe, and seize a chunk of land stretching from northern Syria to central Iraq.

Your newly-declared "Islamic State" is the size of Pennsylvania, so how do you govern it? You compartmentalize.

New data from the Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium (TRAC) has revealed that ISIS is putting governing structures in place to rule the territories the group conquers once the dust settles on the battlefield.

Read more ....

My Comment:  I am always skeptical of these reports. The intelligence agencies themselves are still trying to catch up on how the Islamic State functions .... so I guess we are all now in the speculative phase.

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