Sunday, October 5, 2014

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden Apologizes To Turkey Over Claims That They Have Assisted The Islamic State

Vice President Joe Biden Apologizes To Turkey; UAE Mad, Too -- CNN

(CNN) -- U.S. Vice President Joe Biden has apologized to Turkey for comments he made last week that Middle Eastern allies are partly to blame for the strengthening of ISIS.

The United Arab Emirates have also asked Biden for a "clarification" of his remarks.

The problem appears to have originated during an appearance last week at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University when Biden spoke about Turkey, the UAE, other Middle Eastern allies, and the threat posed by the so-called Islamic State terror group, also known as ISIS or ISIL.

Biden told attendees that the militant Islamist group had been inadvertently strengthened by actions allies took to help opposition groups fighting against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Read more....

More News On U.S. Vice President Joe Biden Apologizing To Turkey

Biden Apologizes To Turkey’s Erdogan -- Washington Post
Biden apologizes to Turkish president in phone call -- USA Today/AP
Biden apologizes to Turkish President Erdogan for saying Turkey allowed foreign fighters into Syria -- FOX News
Biden apologizes to Turkish president for ISIS remarks -- RT
Biden Apologizes To Turkey's President For Comments About ISIS -- Business Insider
Gaffe watch: Did Joe Biden just do it again? -- CSM
Biden Apologizes to Erdogan After Reports He Criticized Turkey -- Bloomberg Businessweek
UAE says 'amazed' by Joe Biden Syria remarks -- Al Jazeera

My Comment: As I had mentioned a few days ago that Vice President Joe Biden's remarks were not helpful .... he has come around to the same realization. but on a side note .... there is a small element of truth to what Biden said.


D.Plowman said...

I'd rather have them speak the truth than resort to political correctness. Best to be blunt about it, even if it damages relations.

Unknown said...

There is the element that for two long years the west did nothing... ISIS and islamists in syria represent an existential threat to Turkey and UAE... without a guiding hand, it should be noted that many nations would take such action.