Saturday, November 8, 2014

ISIS Deserter: Syrian Jihadists Spend As Much Time Killing Each Other As They Do The Enemy

Almouthanna said ISIS regularly executed innocent women and children following a battle, file picture

ISIS Deserter Reveals How Syrian Jihadists Spend As Much Time Killing Each Other As They Do The Enemy… And A British Recruit Stood Out As He Joked About Cutting Off Heads From His First Day -- Daily Mail

* Abu Almouthanna joined ISIS as they had better weapons and paid cash
* At a terror training camp he met a Briton who laughed about beheading
* After 14 months of fighting for ISIS he fled as they kept murdering civilians
* He said ISIS also kept fighting other Jihadis and not the Syrian regime
* Almouthanna is now hiding in Turkey under the constant threat of death

An ISIS deserter has claimed he fled the terrorist organisation because he was appalled at the level of violence and their willingness to kill innocent women and children.

Abu Almouthanna, 27, escaped from Syria across the border to Turkey where he is under the constant threat of death.

The Syrian national said he had spent three years fighting against the Basher al-Assad regime when he was eventually forced to join ISIS.

Read more ....

My Comment: If they are this disorganized with this lack of discipline .... why is the Islamic State difficult to defeat? I suspect that there is more to this story than what is being told.

Update: Here is an interesting read .... The Ultimate Fatal Attraction: 5 Reasons People Join ISIS (Maha Yahya, National Interest)

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