Saturday, November 8, 2014

U.S. And Russia Talk Ukraine, Syria, And Iran

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (R) and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. (Nicholas Kamm/Reuters)

U.S. And Russia Talk Ukraine, Iran -- Washington Post

BEIJING – Secretary of State John Kerry said Saturday that the United States and Russia will keep talking about the deteriorating situation in eastern Ukraine, though he made clear that Washington does not accept Moscow’s denial of involvement arming pro-Russian rebels.

“Suffice it to say that we do have some disagreements about some of the facts on the ground with respect to Ukraine,” Kerry said following a meeting with Russian Prime Minister Sergei Lavrov. “We have agreed to exchange some information between us regarding that. We have also agreed this is a dialogue between us that will continue.”

Kerry met with Lavrov in Beijing the day after Ukraine charged that 32 Russian tanks and almost as many Russian military vehicles had entered eastern Ukraine’s Lunhansk region, ferrying ammunition and reinforcements to pro-Russian separatists opposed to the government in Kiev. The incursion, if true, raises questions about Russia’s support of a ceasefire.

Read more ....

More News On U.S. - Russian Talks

Kerry, Lavrov Hold Talks On Iran, Syria, Ukraine -- Radio Free Europe
Lavrov to Kerry on E. Ukraine: Disengagement of warring sides must be completed -- RT
Kerry: US, Russia Agree to Continue Dialogue on Ukraine -- RIA Novosti

My Comment: At least they are talking .... but on all the key issues there is great disagreement.

Update: The Russians are laughing at the U.S. .... Russian Minister Makes Joke at U.S. Expense as Kerry Looks on -- Bloomberg Businessweek

I do know one thing .... such a joke .... and the ridicule that has followed .... would never have happened if  someone like President Reagan was in the White House. But such is the state of affairs (and global perception) of U.S. international influence. Personally .... I think it is a big mistake to think like this .... but it is the sentiment that I am now always getting when I talk to my friends about politics in places like Russia and China.

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