Monday, December 22, 2014

Amnesty International: Islamic State Has Forced 'Thousands' Of Kidnapped Girls Into Sexual Slavery

Horrific: Details of the barbarity with which IS treats its captives are only now beginning to trickle out thanks to the bravery of a minority of girls who escaped their captors and fled to safety to tell their stories

ISIS Has Forced 'Thousands' Of Kidnapped Girls Into Sexual Slavery In The Last Five Months… With Many Traded Openly At markets -- Daily Mail

* Girls as young as 12 being dragged by hair onto cattle trucks to be slaves
* They are mostly from minority Yazidi tribe, snatched from homes in Sinjar
* They are divided up according to age, education and marital status
* Then sold to highest bidder to be beaten, raped or shared among friends
* Shocking details revealed by human rights group Amnesty International
* Activists say 'white-skinned, blond Islamic converts' among slave drivers

Islamic State is kidnapping thousands of women and young girls to be traded in open markets as sex slaves for as little as £16 each, it was revealed today.

A shocking report by Amnesty International lays bare for the first time the true depth of depravity with which IS fighters are treating their female captives, tearing them from their families and subjecting them to sustained and violent rape and domestic enslavement.

Puberty is not requisite to be an IS sex slave, with girls as young as 12 and their mothers being dragged by their hair onto cattle trucks and herded to a 'sorting office' where they are classified by age, education and marital status, The Times reported.

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More News On Amnesty International's Report That The Islamic State Has Forced 'Thousands' Of Kidnapped Girls Into Sexual Slavery

Iraq: Yezidi women and girls face harrowing sexual violence -- Amnesty International
Amnesty says Iraqi Yazidi women abducted by IS group endured horror, were traumatized -- FOX News/AP
Sex slavery pushes Iraq IS victims to suicide: Amnesty -- AFP
Islamic State: Yazidi women tell of sex-slavery trauma -- BBC
ISIS’s Harrowing Sexual Violence Towards Yezidi Women Revealed -- Time

1 comment:

James said...

Even though the subject is about as bad as you can get, the Daily Mail's juxtaposing it's headline "ISIS Has Forced 'Thousands' Of Kidnapped Girls Into Sexual Slavery In The Last Five Months… With Many Traded Openly At markets -" with a photo of a flock of sheep is priceless!