Monday, December 22, 2014

The CIA Analyst Who Spent Years Tracking Down Osama Bin Laden Has Been Outed

Photo: Jessica Chastain as CIA officer Maya in Zero Dark Thirty. SMH

CIA Analyst At The Center Of Torture Report Is Outed. She's Not 'Maya' -- CSM

In the film 'Zero Dark Thirty' she was known as 'Maya,' the CIA analyst who spent years tracking down Osama bin Laden. Her story is more complicated with its ties to rendition and torture, and now several news outlets have revealed her identity.

In the film ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ she was known as ‘Maya,’ the CIA analyst who spent years doggedly tracking down Osama bin Laden, then identifying his body when US Navy Seal Team Six killed him during a raid in Pakistan.

In real life, however, her story is more complicated with ties to the rendition and torture of terrorist suspects, as well as a missed opportunity to head off the attacks of 9/11. And now she’s been forced out of the shadows with several news outlets revealing her identity.

Most recently, that’s the website The Intercept, whose stated missions are “to provide a platform to report on the documents previously provided by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden” and “to produce fearless, adversarial journalism across a wide range of issues.”

Read more ....

My Comment: She has been outed by The Intercept .... and they do not paint a "pretty picture" of her. What's my take .... intelligence is not a perfect science, and in the war against Al Qaeda .... it has been a difficult task because of operational limitations and sparse intelligence. The fact that they were able to track down Osama Bin Laden down is truly an incredible accomplishment .... I can only imagine what they had to do to get the world's most wanted man who also made the decision to drop out and hide from the world .... but they succeeded, and for that they should be applauded for all time. But that is not how the story is unfolding today .... and for CIA analysts like "Maya" ... I will not be surprised that in today's world they will be put under even more pressure from those who believe it will serve everyone's interest to not only further expose her .... but .... if some get their wish ... to prosecute her for war crimes.


Jay Farquharson said...

No American will get prosecuted for war crimes,

Not in the US.

The worst that ever happens to US War Criminals, is there are some places they can't travel.

James said...

I don't know, I never thought I would see an Administration approve, even tacitly to desertion in the face of the enemy, much less reward it. Anything is possible these days.