Monday, February 16, 2015

China's Newest Nuclear Sub Is A Potential 'Carrier Killer'

A leaked photo of the PLA Navy's Type 093G nuclear submarine. (Internet photo)

Want China Times: PLA's new Type 093G nuclear sub a potential 'carrier killer'

China's new Type 093G nuclear sub has provided the People's Liberation Army with a potential "aircraft carrier killer," reports the Beijing-based Sina Military.

Citing Taiwan's Defence Interntional magazine, the report said the manufacturing of two Type 093G nuclear subs — upgraded versions of the Type 093 — were completed by the Bohai Shipbuilding Heavy Industry Co in December, with another resting in a dry dock.

The primary difference between Type 093G subs and Type 093 subs is that the former added a vertical launcher capable of firing cruise missiles and the YJ-18 anti-ship missil, the report said.

WNU Editor: If these reports are true .... U.S. aircraft carriers will be vulnerable everywhere .... not necessarily in the western Pacific.


Bubblehead said...

I can neither confirm or deny how simple Chinese subs get picked up but even an old 688 can hunt them, so I can assume the USN will only step up the submarine hunter killer game. Although we've practiced war games, still can't help be uneasy that the last submarine on submarine warfare was so long ago, including that a torpedo doesn't need to hit a target directly, a pressure wave would be enough to shear pipes inside crippling a boat to force it to surface or sink out.

-A bubblehead

Ropestuff said...

I was under the impression that subs were an integral part of carrier groups. As in, under the U.S carrier is a (or more) U.S sub that isn't going to let a foreign sub anywhere close.

Ropestuff said...

...not to mention sub hunting ships and aircraft.

War News Updates Editor said...

I am just pointing out a trend. Ten years ago Chinese subs were not on the radar .... today .... people are starting to notice what they are building .... ten years from now I predict people will be scared on where is this all heading .... ten years after that .... who knows.

Jay Farquharson said...


Torpedo equipted diesel subs need to get with in 8 kilometers of a Carrier, and fire multiple salvo's of torpedo, to sink a carrier. Despite the presence of screening vessels, ASW and air patrols, a couple years ago, a Chinese Kilo popped up undetected in the middle of a USN Carrier Group.

A nuclear powered, ballistic and cruise missile equipted submarine on the other hand, can stay submurged for 4 months, launch from under water, and only needs to get within 500 kilometers of the target. The hypersonic cruise missiles and ballistic missiles that these subs are suspected to be armed with, are designed to be carrier killers, and counter US defences.

Bubblehead said...

Ropestuff: I've never got tasked with escorting a carrier but submarines will go with a battle group.

ASW ships couldn't find us, even with us throwing pipes and wrenches down ladders. That led them to accusing us of cheating by going out of the exercise area.

WNU: I believe you, I'm still waiting to see China lead the development in under sea warfare instead of letting Russia do all the ground work, pass a few years by to let PRC capitalize on it then...voila...Type XX submarine.

Ropestuff said...

Thanks for the info J, Bubblehead. I like it better when I thought we were more invincible.

Anonymous said...

You don't park your carrier in somebody's backyard and expect the latter not to take action to defend his country.After all a carrier is configured to attack.
The carrier killing sub is defending the country.
If you don't wish the carrier to be exposed to destruction, move it to the US where Chinese subs wont attack.
This is simple common sense.The carrier killer is a sort of burglar alarm.If you don't try to intrude into the residence,you will be safe.
I am afraid the US will have to accept that China is going to equip itself with missiles for defence.We will have to wait and see how long US forces can pivot to the east.
A time will come when the US will be tired of playing this game.And don't give the bs China will atke over Asia.