Thursday, February 5, 2015

The U.S. Defense Secretary Nominee Supports Arming The Ukrainian Military

New York Times: Defense Nominee Says He Would Consider More U.S. Military Aid to Ukraine

WNU Editor: The White House disagrees .... White House disagrees with Carter on arms to Ukraine (Washington Times)

More News On The U.S. Defense Secretary Nominee Stating His Support For Arming The Ukrainian Military

Obama's Pentagon nominee suggests support for arming Ukraine -- Reuters
Ukraine crisis: Pentagon 'chief' inclined to send weapons -- BBC
Nominee to Head Pentagon Backs 'Lethal Aid' to Ukraine -- Voice of America
U.S. Defense Nominee Leans Toward Arms for Ukraine in Fight -- Wall Street Journal
Defense Nominee Carter Says He Supports Sending Arms to Ukraine -- Bloomberg
US defense sec. nominee 'inclined' to arm Ukraine, defends ISIS strategy -- RT
Obama's defense pick says he leans toward arming Ukraine against rebels -- Al Jazeera


Alex said...

Hey editor my friend. You've said that your idea of relaxation is reading about business (among other things). What is you go-to news source for international business?

War News Updates Editor said...

When I wake up each day I scan approximately 30 news sources/newswires/newspapers/etc. and about a dozen blogs. I read everything and .... fortunately .... I remember a lot of it. And I have been doing this (even before the age of the internet) for about 35 years.

So you have motivated me to do the following .... in the next few weeks I will update my blogroll/news links on the left side of this blog. That way you will know what I am reading.

On a side note .... and why what you ask for is important (from a business point of view) .... I do use my news sources on wars and conflicts to spot not only trends but also developments that the newswire services have ignored and/or are late on reporting it. Case in point .... a few years back I was reading African news sources that were reporting on the growing insurrection in the oil rich delta region of Nigeria .... and during this period of time this rebellion was successful in shutting down oil production .... which meant that when the news became public the price of oil would then rise. Western media had not picked up on the story .... until two days later .... resulting in a 10% jump for spot oil. As you can imagine .... you can make a lot of money if you know the news before it becomes the news.