Thursday, March 19, 2015

A Photogallery Of Vladimir Putin


Business Insider: 18 photos that show Vladimir Putin doesn't mess around

On Monday, the world's most powerful person reappeared after mysteriously disappearing for 10 days.

Without a definitive explanation from the Kremlin, Russian President Vladimir Putin welcomed President Almazbek Atambayev of Kyrgyzstan amid swirling rumors.

Putin rarely goes unnoticed after a year during which Russia annexed the multi-ethnic peninsula Crimea, engineered a civil war in Ukraine, and signed off on the world's largest construction project.

WNU Editor: I always roll my eyes when I see photo galleries like this one .... but for someone reason that totally escapes .... the general public (especially in Russia) loves seeing it.

1 comment:

James said...

The guy in the green towards the back is trying to look very helpful. What is it about you Russians and the color red (yes I know all about the revolution etc etc), but didn't Putin ever watch Star Trek the TV show and see the fate of red shirts on the away teams?