Thursday, March 19, 2015

Russia's Militarization Of The Arctic Continues

(Click on Image to Enlarge)

Jeremy Bender, Business Insider: This map shows the massive scale of Russia's planned fortification of the Arctic

The Arctic ice is slowly melting, and Russia is positioning itself to take advantage of new shipping routes along with natural resources available beneath the Arctic seabed.

In order to capitalize on a changing Arctic, Russia is undertaking a major military upgrade of its northern coast and outlying Arctic archipelagos. These bases — which include search-and-rescue stations, military ports and airstrips, and military headquarters — are positioning Russia to become the dominant power in the region.

Update: Russia's Arctic pivot is a massive military undertaking -- Jeremy Bender, Business Insider

WNU Editor: The Russians are not the only ones who are militarization the Arctic .... The Creeping Militarization of the Arctic (Abhijit Singh, The Diplomat)


James said...

Yes, it's obvious that if the arctic ice melting enough to open shipping lanes through the old Northwest Passage that would be an important development. But what would be the cargo going through this new lane? It's not like the Malaccan Straits or the canals at least not for some years yet. Of course the movement of any oil etc out of the area will be a strategic concern, but I believe for the future. Russia is being smart to put infrastructure in place for that eventuality, but again it's in the future. What you have is resources that are in an area of extreme climatological, national boundary, and military uncertainty. A pretty good recipe for international mischief.

oldfatslow said...

So, are they putting
toll booths up?


James said...

Heh, yeah in a way and the fare could get pretty steep.