Sunday, March 15, 2015

Decline In Western Military Spending Is Raising 'Alarm Bells' In Washington

Washington Post: U.K.’s shrinking military clout worries U.S.

LONDON — With Europe facing its shakiest security environment in a generation, Britain has slipped into a familiar role: Washington’s tough-talking wingman.

British leaders have led the rhetorical charge against the twin menaces of Russia and the Islamic State while browbeating reluctant European governments to wake up to the reality of a newly unstable continent.

But behind the flinty facade lies an unmistakable erosion in British power, one that has reduced Washington’s indispensable ally to a position that U.K. officials, military leaders and analysts acknowledge could leave the United States without a credible partner in taking on the greatest threats to global ­security.

WNU Editor: The Washington Post makes a good point .... if the U.S. does not have Britain to turn to, who will they have in Europe? Apparently no one ... and as for eastern Europe .... they may be hostile to Moscow but they do not have the military clout that the U.S. needs to partner up with.


Unknown said...

The key word here is purchasing power parity.

phill said...

America's hat to the rescue?