Thursday, March 19, 2015

Kerry Compares Climate-Change Advocacy to Gandhi, Churchill, Mandela, King, Lincoln

PJ Media: Kerry Compares Climate-Change Advocacy to Gandhi, Churchill, Mandela, King, Lincoln

Speaking to the Atlantic Council at a climate change forum today, Secretary of State John Kerry compared climate-change advocacy to President Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King, Jr.

“For decades now, the science has been screaming at us, warning us, trying to compel us to act,” Kerry said in the lengthy address.

WNU Editor: The transcript to his speech is here ....

.... So I through my life have believed that you can take certain kinds of risks in the course of public affairs and life. My heroes are people who dared to take on great challenges without knowing for certain what the outcome would be. Lincoln took risks, Gandhi took risks, Churchill took risks, Dr. King took risks, Mandela took risks, but that doesn’t mean that every risk-taker is a role model.

What's my take on global warming .... I live in Montreal and this was my brutal reality in February .... Montreal records coldest February in history (CBC).


James said...

You're getting some of that good Fahrenheit weather for the next couple of days.

James said...

The journals of many early expeditions into Hudson Bay all talk about great cold and hunger. All of this is you might say up weather of your posh and dare I say palatial chalet in the Laurentine.

The Oil Price said...

I read WNU over all of the MSN because of the concise and detailed overview of important news relating to contemporary war issues.

I am very disappointed to see the editor convert the depth of climate science to "how cold it is outside". That is seriously lacking in basic understanding of the subject matter. Very serious.

The Pentagon sees climate change as major driver of global conflict. So measuring snow in your yard to inform your opinion on climate change is like measuring war by how many war movies are in your local video shop - nothing to do with it.

I invite editor to contact Long Future and allow us the honour of advising on this matter.

Buick93 said...

Humanity has been able to thrive partially because of a mostly stable, predictable, and hospitable climate through most of its history.
That stability, predictability, and hospitality is starting to change. This is undeniable, even if you don't agree that humans have influenced this change.

So, you can either stick your head in the sand or you can try to figure out a strategy for dealing with these changes.