Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Syria Claims To Have Shot Down A U.S. Reconnaissance Plane Near Latakia


Reuters: Syria says brings down U.S. drone - SANA news agency

BEIRUT, March 17 (Reuters) - Syria's state news agency SANA said on Tuesday its air defences have brought down a U.S. surveillance plane in the coastal province of Latakia.

"Syrian air defences brought down a hostile U.S. surveillance plane in northern Latakia," SANA said in a bulletin, without giving further details.

Update: Syria shoots down American aircraft: SANA -- Daily Star

WNU Editor: They are now claiming that it was a drone. We will update this story as more news becomes available.


efFlh43 said...

The event is confirmed, a UAV was the object, but the country is not yet known. SANA may say US, but other Syrian sources say it was probably operated by rebels (Al-Queda, Al-Nushra or other), or Turkey or Israel.

There are claimed pictures of the crash, don't know if it's the real one: https://scontent-vie.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11072711_824312704316780_7967049387131364079_n.jpg?oh=1dd447911d390cc6b3416b8756eccf06&oe=557BA8F0

The first reports about the type of the UAV were looked like a EADS Harfang or a Heron. Soon we will know more, but I think this news not really has value in this war.

Jay Farquharson said...

WNU Editor,

Makes sense, the "Syrian Express" left Sebastapol on Saturday.

Unknown said...

"Syrian Express" left Sebastapol

A Russian supply run?

The UAV would see much except for an airplane unless it hovered within sight of the tarmac as it unloaded. It still might not see much depending on how stuff was packed.

Jay Farquharson said...


4 open decked LST's plus escorts,

And the port has open docks,