Tuesday, March 17, 2015

The UN's Peace Keeping Operation In Darfur Is A Complete Failure

African Union - United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) peacekeepers patrol the damaged and empty Labado village in South Darfur December 10, 2013. Credit: Reuters/Mohamed Nureldin Abdallah

The Guardian: Darfur peacekeeping force to be cut back amid accusations of incompetence

Joint UN-African Union force has been failing to protect civilians in the Sudanese region and needs to be made more effective, say UN officials

One of the world’s largest peacekeeping forces is being cut back and revamped as it has been failing to protect civilians in the vast Sudanese region of Darfur.

Last week, the UN security council received a report on a strategic review of the mission conducted by the UN peacekeeping department. Reuters obtained a copy.

It said the mission is slimming down its ranks, sending home incompetent units, cutting unnecessary jobs, redeploying troops stationed at dozens of outposts around Darfur and working to improve its capacity to protect civilians. The exact number of peacekeepers to be reduced will be decided in the coming months.

Update #1: UN Moves Closer to Pulling Peacekeepers From Troubled Darfur -- NYT/AP
Update #2: Question marks hang over flawed Darfur peacekeeping force -- Reuters

WNU Editor: This conflict has been ongoing for years .... finally there are some who are acknowledging that UN efforts to keep the peace have been a failure and that an alternative strategy/policy should be pursued.


Jay Farquharson said...

WNU Editor,

Trivia trip for you,


Anonymous said...

Is it any surprise to anyone (other than liberal Democrats) the the UN is a nothing but an ineffective farce? It sure doesn't surprise me.

War News Updates Editor said...

So Jay .... 60% were kicked out .... that means the other 40% know how to fool the lie-detectors. As for the tank .... why does that not surprise me ... those were made to last.

Jay Farquharson said...


It's a UNSC operation, not a UN Operation, they are two completely different Organizations.

Because it's the Old Boy's Club that is the UNSC, and other than China, they don't give a sra about Africa, they arrange just enough funding and resources to these missions, to shut Angelina Jolie up.

Jay Farquharson said...


In some regards it's more about they symbolic status of the tank and the city,

Unknown said...

George Cloone[c]y was always trying to persuade the American people to do something.

He is right. It is a crime against humanity.

But on the heels of our intervention in Somalia, why double down doing the same thing in Sudan?