Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Artists Secretly Place A Bust Of Edward Snowden At A New York City War Monument

Mashable: NYC officials remove Edward Snowden statue secretly installed in Brooklyn park

NEW YORK — Dressed in reflective yellow construction gear while working under the cover of darkness early Monday, a small group of artists installed a tribute to NSA-leaker Edward Snowden in a Brooklyn park.

But it was gone by midday.

The Snowden bust stood atop a column at the Prison Ship Martyrs Monument in Fort Greene Park, a site built to honor more than 11,000 American prisoners of war who died aboard British ships during the American Revolutionary War.

WNU Editor: What's going t happen to the bust?

More News On Artists Secretly Placing A Bust Of Edward Snowden At A New York City War Monument

Bust of Edward Snowden sneaked into, removed from NYC park -- Washington Post/AP
New York City Takes Down Edward Snowden Statue Erected By Guerilla Artists -- Time
NYC removes statue of Edward Snowden erected in park -- UPI
Giant Edward Snowden Sculpture Appears on War Monument in Brooklyn Park -- NBC
Edward Snowden: Statue of Whistleblower Secretly Installed at Brooklyn Park -- HNGN
Snowden cover-up: Unauthorized bust in Brooklyn becomes martyr to cause -- RT
Artists secretly place bust of Edward Snowden at New York monument -- FOX News/EFE
A renegade sculptor has mounted a bust of Edward Snowden in a Brooklyn park -- The Verge

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