Thursday, April 9, 2015

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- April 9, 2015

Yemen has historically been a graveyard for many invaders [Reuters]

Gamal Gasim, Al Jazeera: Analysis: Boots on the ground in Yemen? Think again

As the Saudi-led military campaign in Yemen enters its third week, the majority of Yemen's territory remains under the control of Houthi rebels and former Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh loyalists.

This raises the question of whether the Saudi-led alliance will expedite plans to begin a ground troops incursion into Yemen. It is unclear, however, whether sending ground troops will help achieve the political demands of both Saudi Arabia's King Salman and Yemeni President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, or whether the move will lead to a protracted war.

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- April 9, 2015

Will al Qaeda Be the Great Winner of Yemen's collapse? -- Byman & Williams, Foreign Policy

Why It’s So Hard to Prosecute ISIS for War Crimes -- Joshua Keating, Slate

Iran's Khamenei lays out tough terms for nuclear talks -- Ramin Mostaghim, L.A. Times

Iran's Goal is Middle Eastern Hegemony -- Michael J. Totten, World Affairs

Senator Kirk Puts Iran Sanctions Back in Play -- Eli Lake, Bloomberg

Iran Nuclear Deal Gives Syria’s Bashar al-Assad Reason to Worry -- Sam Dagher, WSJ

Where art thou heading, Mr Erdogan? -- The National editorial

How Sri Lanka Won the War -- Peter Layton, The Diplomat

How China Seeks to Shape Its Neighborhood -- Shannon Tiezzi, The Diplomat

The Garissa assault: it will take time to contain al-Shabaab -- Guardian editorial

What Greece Needs, Putin Can't Provide -- Bloomberg editorial

Obama to Putin: Stop Hacking Me -- Shane Harris, Daily Beast

The US isn’t winding down its wars – it’s just running them at arm’s length -- Seumas Milne, The Guardian

Untangling the Mysteries Behind Bowe Bergdahl's Rescue Mission -- Michael Ames, Nwesweek

Top 12 Media Myths On Oil Prices -- Dan Doyle, Real Clear Energy

1 comment:

Unknown said...


It is mountainous!

It is jungle!

It is a graveyard!

It is all matter of having or sending enough troops and able to keep up the effort logistically and financially.

Eastern Ukraine is neither mountainous nor jungle. Nonetheless it has been hard to conquer or hold.

So the terrain type doe snot matter so much. All types of terrain have been conquered.

It is just matter of how good you are, how many resources you have and what you are prepared to do.

Will Saudi Arabia conquer Yemen? I doubt it.

But it won;t be because people in mountains are intrinsically too tough or that Yemenis are special. The Yemenis just have to be tougher by degrees even small ones than the Saudis given the resource brought to bear.

The USSR almost won in Afghanistan. There is only so much punishment a people can take. At least that is what I got out of the book Charlie Wilson's War.