Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Discovery Of Bodies In Islamic State Mass Graves Has Now Surpassed 3,000

Newsweek: ISIS Mass Grave Death Toll in Iraq and Syria Surpasses 3,000

The combined number of bodies discovered in ISIS mass graves has surpassed 3,000 after the gruesome extent of the terror group’s mass murder in the Iraqi city of Tikrit was revealed on Tuesday.

A number of mass graves dug by the terror group have been confirmed in both Syria and Iraq, taking the toll from the graves and mass killings to 3,071. The toll does not include individual civilian deaths nor deaths of those killed in clashes with the terror group.

Nine months ago, the radical Islamists claimed to have captured and killed 1,700 at a former U.S. military base in Tikrit, named Camp Speicher, as they swept across northern Iraqi, capturing the key Sunni cities of Tikrit and Mosul, Iraq’s second-largest.

WNU Editor:
This number is just a drop in the bucket.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did they hand out medals for digging up the mass graves and giving the deceased proper burials.

In America they have.

The mass graves from 1991/1992 were dug up and the dead properly buried pointing to Mecca. The locals were pretty distraught. A normal person would be.

So not all mass graves were opened. Enough was done to give the living some peace before the whole ordeal overcame them.