Tuesday, May 12, 2015

U.S. Marine Helicopter With Eight Aboard Missing In Nepal

Reuters: U.S. Marine helicopter with eight aboard missing in Nepal quake zone

A U.S. Marine Corps helicopter was declared missing on Tuesday with six Marines and two Nepalese soldiers aboard as it was ferrying rice and tarps to earthquake victims in rugged terrain in Nepal, near a town hard hit by the latest deadly aftershocks.

Army Colonel Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman, said reports from the field indicated the helicopter's crew was overheard talking about fuel problems before U.S. military officials lost contact with the light attack helicopter.

A 90-minute search by three Marine Corps V-22 tilt-rotor aircraft failed to locate the aircraft before nightfall and the air search was suspended. A ground search by Nepalese troops was continuing, Warren said.

More News On A U.S. Marine Helicopter With Eight Aboard Missing In Nepal

US Marine helicopter missing in Nepal earthquake aid mission -- AP
Six U.S. Marines Aboard Helicopter Missing in Nepal, Officials Say -- WSJ
U.S. helicopter missing in Nepal -- CNN
US Helicopter Disappears While Transporting Aid to Nepal -- Sputnik
Fuel problems cited before US chopper went missing in Nepal -- Reuters


Bob Huntley said...

They don't have tracking chips in all their vehicles?

Anonymous said...

Mother of one of the Marines received a text from her son this morning. (Sgt. James Hibler)
So I guess they are safe. Fox News in Dallas-Ft. Worth reported this about one hour ago.

War News Updates Editor said...

Thank you for the heads-up Anonymous .... I pray and hope that it is true.

Anonymous said...

Here is the latest update:
Sgt. Hibler was NEVER on that flight.
I've been reading the updates from Fox News in DFW area...the Mother of Sgt. Hibler DID receive a text from her son, but he was NOT on that flight.
Sorry for the "false" email. Sometimes these postings from the media are not checked out as thoroughly as they should be.