Friday, June 5, 2015

Pakistan Secretly Freed 8 Of 10 Accused In Attack On Malala Yousafzai

New York Times: Pakistan Says Court Has Freed 8 of 10 Accused in Attack on Malala Yousafzai

LONDON — Pakistani officials said Friday that a court had released eight of the 10 men accused of conspiring in the shooting of the schoolgirl activist Malala Yousafzai, in an admission that brought new scrutiny of Pakistan’s faltering efforts to try Islamist militants in the courts.

The men had been charged with organizing the 2012 attack on Ms. Yousafzai, who was shot in the head as she traveled to school in the northwestern Swat Valley. She survived her injuries and went on to become a global symbol of defiance and an advocate for the education of girls, winning the Nobel Peace Prize in December.

Although the Taliban gunmen were believed to have fled to neighboring Afghanistan, the authorities announced the arrest of 10 men and put them on trial in April at a military-run internment center in Swat. The media and the public were barred from the hearings.

Update: Malala men ‘jailed for life’ secretly let off -- The Australian/AFP

WNU Editor: In the meantime ... the doctor who assisted the U.S. in finding Osama Bin laden is still in a Pakistani jail ..... Jailed Pakistani doctor who assisted CIA's hunt for Al Qaeda boss Osama bin Laden allowed family visits (ABC News Australia).


Anonymous said...

Who needs enemies with allies like that

Hope for the West said...

It should be so embarrassing to the US that Shakeel Afridi is still in jail. You'd think it would hurt intelligence gathering as well-if that's how the CIA (or whatever American agency) treats their assets than I would think no one would want to work for them.