Monday, June 15, 2015

What Does The Islamic State One-Finger Salute Mean?

17-year-old Talha Asmal - also known as Talha Asmal - is believed to have become Britain's youngest suicide bomber in Iraq. In the last photo taken before he blew himself up in a dusty battlefield. (Twitter/Anna Ahronheim)

IBTimes: Isis: What is the story behind the Islamic State one-fingered salute?

In the last photo taken before he blew himself up in a dusty battlefield in northern Iraq, 17-year-old Briton Talha Asmal sat in the front seat of a car with a single finger on his right hand pointing skywards.

The salute has become common in Islamic State (Isis) propaganda, both from the battlefield and in the final minutes before a shaheed – or martyr – embarks on a suicide bombing. But what does now ubiquitous hand signal mean?

The single raised index finger has so far escaped analysis, likely due to the fact that those making the gesture have often had a severed head in their other hand, but refers to the first half of the shahada, the affirmation of Muslim faith that is recited before every prayer.

WNU Editor: I have been seeing this "salute" in videos and pictures for the past few months .... now I understand why.

1 comment:

James said...

That explains the strange "happy" look on their face.