Friday, July 24, 2015

A Look At Some U.S. Military Disasters

i09: The 8 Biggest Disasters in U.S. Military History

The United States has experienced its share of military successes over the years. But its armed forces have also suffered some terrible setbacks. Here are eight of the very worst.

Compared to many other countries, the United States has never really suffered a cataclysmic military disaster. The continental U.S. has never faced a significant invasion force, its government has never been supplanted by that of a rival nation’s, nor has its armies ever experienced a colossal collapse on a scale similar to what happened to the German Sixth Army at Stalingrad. Since its inception as a nation, however, the U.S. has involved itself in a number of foreign campaigns, both near and far. And, as such, it has not been immune to military defeats, misfortune, and humiliation.

WNU Editor: If present trends continue .... I fear that the war against terror/Al Qaeda/Islamic State/the Afghan War/etc. .... will be number #9. Interestingly .... Vietnam is not mentioned in this post.

1 comment:

CatholicDragoon said...

Vietnam was more of a political disaster, the Tet offensive was a victory for the US, but public perception of a loss affected the politicians more than the objective facts of the situation.