Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Death Is Your Probable Outcome if You Are On America's VA Waiting List

The Hill: Report: One-third of vets on pending medical care list already dead

An internal Veterans Affairs Department report states that about one-third of the veterans waiting to receive medical care from the agency have already died.

A review of veteran death records provided to the Huffington Post found that, as of April, 847,822 veterans were awaiting healthcare and that of those, 238,647 were already deceased.

The report was handed over by Scott Davis, a program specialist at the VA's Health Eligibility Center in Atlanta

He also sent copies to the House and Senate VA panels and to the White House.

Update: Leaked Document: Nearly One-Third Of 847,000 Veterans In Backlog For VA Health Care Already Died -- Huffington Post

WNU Editor: I guess this is the VA's way on getting rid of their backlog while covering-up their incompetence. This is a news story that is being completely under-reported by the U.S. main stream media .... but at least the Russian media is playing up this story .... 238,000 US veterans died waiting for health care – leaked document (RT). On a personal note .... as one who has lived most of his life under government mandated and regulated health care .... these statistics are not a surprise. Long waiting times are the rule when the government runs an agency .... and if you have a chronic and/or serious disease or condition .... even longer.

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