Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Loopholes In The Iranian Nuclear Deal?

Parchin military base (image from Google Maps)

Washington Free Beacon: Nuclear Deal Silent on Iran’s Parchin Military Plant, Bushehr

Loopholes, vague wording likely to complicate congressional approval

The Iranian nuclear deal reached in Vienna contains no reference to the Parchin military facility where most of Iran’s past nuclear arms-related work was carried out.

Additionally, the draft agreement made public on Tuesday contains no stated limits on Iran’s Russian-made Bushehr nuclear power facility that analysts say could produce plutonium for dozens of bombs.

Also, the accord will lift international sanctions on several Iranian entities currently engaged in supporting terrorism and building ballistic missiles, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)-Air Force Al Ghadir Missile Command.

WNU Editor: A contract lawyer told me that in every contract you can put enough clauses that can end up with the simplest contact becoming the size of a phone-book, but if there is no trust or respect .... loopholes can (and will) always be found and used to break the spirit of the agreement. That is why trust and verification is needed for any nuclear agreement to be enforced .... but absent that trust .... even in the most rigid and extensive contract agreement .... loopholes can and will always be found. We are already seeing the loopholes being pointed out in yesterday's nuclear agreement .... and I am willing to bet that the Iranians are going to use these facts in their favor to explain why they will be following the letter of the agreement .... but not the spirit. When I worked in the foreign office I made it my duty to read international contracts to not only understand on what is being decided upon .... but to also understand the basics on how international agreements and contracts should be written up. I have already read the Russian version of this U.S. brokered Iranian nuclear draft agreement .... and I am just shaking my head. I do not know who in the U.S. State Department is responsible for this document .... but it is amateur hour at its best.


Caecus said...

It's incredible.

Although Obama doesn't care, since virtually no one will read it, and no one cares if Iran gets nukes, except those who will actually be threatened by them . In fact the majority of Westerners who are even aware of this probably think that since the USA used nukes on Japan 70 years ago then a rogue extremist state has a right to nuclear weapons too!

phill said...

The majority of westerners probably think nuclear proliferation in the middle east is a bad thing. And that nuclear material getting in the wrong hands and finding it's way into a city big or small is a nightmare scenario.

But I guess westerners are PROBABLY oblivious or retarded .

Unknown said...

nothing to do with wars but tell me this in law of court if u dont fill in and sign a form as a contract can or how can u be taken to court replies very welcome with addtional info when replied to welcome any replies thank u