Thursday, July 16, 2015

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 16, 2015

FOX News: White House reportedly offers to boost military aid to Israel after Iran deal

President Obama has offered to increase U.S. military aid to Israel in the wake of the Iran nuclear agreement, according to a published report.

According to the New York Times, Obama broached the subject in a phone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday. White House officials said that Obama told Netanyahu that he was prepared to hold "intensive discussions" on bolstering Israel's defense capabilities.

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- July 16, 2015

Obama sending defense chief to Middle East to reassure on Iran -- Reuters

Former Obama Aide: Bolster Israel With B-52s -- Defense News

U.S., Iran finesse inspections of military sites in nuclear deal -- Reuters

NSA leaks: Israel assasinated Syrian military official linked to Hezbollah in 2008 -- UPI

McCain Renews Call to Supply Ukraine with Javelin Missile -- DoD Buzz

NATO to hold biggest military drills in decade, Russia welcome to observe -- RT

Combat helicopters, fighter jets conduct drills in Crimea -- ITAR-TASS

Russian Air Force gets shipment of Sukhoi Su-34 frontline bombers, Su-35S fighters -- ITAR-TASS

Russia Puts Eight ICBMs Into Service -- Sputnik

Putin: new weapons production to guarantee Russia’s defense capability, economic growth -- ITAR-TASS

Russia Chooses India for Most Expensive Private Warship-Building Project -- Sputnik

Watch Out, China: India's Navy Wants 200 Warships -- National Interest

Japan’s Lower House Passes Bills to Give Military Freer Hand to Fight -- NYT

China warns Japan over laws to allow its troops to fight abroad -- The Guardian

Philippines reopens Subic Bay as military base to cover South China Sea -- The Guardian

B-52s’ BAAD message to China -- Bill Gertz, Washington Times

Japan Buys Five Ospreys in Boeing’s First Export Deal -- Defense Tech

US Army wants to double tanks, boost soldiers in Europe -- Army Times

Republican defense bill showdown with White House nears -- The Hill

Delays in Zumwalt Destroyer Program Hamper Production of DDG-51s at Bath Iron Works -- USNI News

F-35A Flies Close-Air-Support Missions in First Green Flag -- Defense Tech

Software Flaws on Marine F-35s No Bar to Combat, Pentagon Says -- Bloomberg

Uncertainty Surrounds Air Force 'Holy Trinity' -- Jon Harper , National Defense

Retired US general: Drones cause more damage than good -- Al Jazeera

Pentagon’s Bring-Your-Own-Device Project on Hold Until Fall -- NextGov

As war winds down, military mortuary's role shifts -- USA Today

Bill would require retired military service dogs to come home -- Military Times

Analyst: New Challenges Shape US Military Strategy -- VOA

Slimming Down the Pentagon -- Bloomberg editorial


K said...

Yay! My tax dollars are going towards more weapons for our client terrorist state "ally" to kill civilians that "attacked" the poor Israeli's who are only reacting and "defending" themselves. Ha!

And the MIC gets some juicy contracts to boot. And the ancillary benefit of having a free-fire test range like Gaza to prove weapons and tactics. Murica! F@#k yeah!

Ropestuff said...

Yeah, because no other civilized nation has ever gained territory through any measure of force, you know like the poor Muricans and the savage Indians. The stories about evil bad Hamas fighters setting up rocket batteries in school playgrounds and keeping the kids hostage as human shields while they fire rockets at Israel must be fabrications of the wicked Jews.

The analogue here would be some Native American setting up grad rockets in a playground and firing into American cities. You telling me you wouldn't hit back? What if you didn't have the weapons to fight back, you telling me you wouldn't ask somebody for weapons. We just happen to be fortunate that we so completely anhialated the Natives that they don't have the spirit to do something like that. Unfortunately for Israel, they haven't yet subdued the people they got their land BACK from. All in the perspective buddy.

Ropestuff said...

By the way, if the answer is that you do think it's wrong for a tiny Nation to fight for it's survival, with lethal force WHEN NECESSARY, you can go f&)$ yourself. And stop paying for your own military you hypocrite.

James said...


K said...

You regurgitate Hasbara well. Do you have any original thoughts to share?

Demography will be the death of the zionist maniac experiment and it will happen by the end of the century. No pitchforks necessary.

Ropestuff said...

Ha. We'll see about that. Zionist maniac experiment, if you think we're going to disappear into history any time soon you're delusional. By the way, who are you? What's your cultural background that makes you superior to us? Do your people have a perfect past that puts you in a position to judge the relevance of a people? Where the f are your original thoughts, because all I see is just another antisemite and we have lots of experience with carbon copies of you.

And oh the poor Palestinians who were squatters in the land we have been thrown out of over and over through out history. You know how I know that? Because the first Muslim was the offspring of a Jewish king long after we had established ourselves as a people. They're just mad we seized our homeland back and refuse to disappear. Mark my words, we have come back to our homeland after a long exile in a series of long exiles, and we won't let go of it again. Since your just a hateful coward hiding behind a screen I have no idea what you are but if you have a speck of Christianity in you, throw away most of your bible, that Old Testament we wrote. If you are a Muslim, we are distantly related and my blood is in you whether my people exist or not, and if you are neither, than what is your stake in any of this anyway? You mad just because Israel is an ally of America and we receive aid from America? Are you mad at everybody who receives aid from America? I'm guessing your just another brainwashed garden variety antisemite who has no real stake in any of this, no real knowledge of the region involved, no real knowledge of the history of the people involved, and otherwise has nothing to do with any of this despite a small portion of your taxes, and should otherwise just keep your mouth shut about all of this. But, unlike your bigoted ilk, Jews tend to be reasonable people so if I'm wrong about any of this than I apologize and I would be happy to have an intelligent discussion about why you think my heritage should disappear and your should not.

Ropestuff said...

Yes to what James?

James said...

Agreement with both of these,
" Blogger Ropestuff said...

One last point, all Israel has ever wanted was Israel, that tiny little piece of land, and all the (nearly) entire Arab region has wanted is to wipe Israel off the Map. So while Israel does amazing things with medicine and technology, and agriculture that you so smugly benefit from, the rest of the Muslim world, those poor victims, plots to destroy Israel. You going to pick up the pitchfork and help push the Jews back into the sea? We've been knocked around enough through our history and we're sick of it. We're not going to let ourselves get enslaved by Egypt, tortured by the Spanish, or herded onto rail cars again, we are going to fight back. You going to tell me that's wrong?

July 17, 2015 at 2:19 AM
Blogger Ropestuff said...

By the way, if the answer is that you do think it's wrong for a tiny Nation to fight for it's survival, with lethal force WHEN NECESSARY, you can go f&)$ yourself. And stop paying for your own military you hypocrite."

Ropestuff said...

Thanks James. More and more it feels like the world is throwing Israel under the bus, and a little bit of support goes a long way these days. I don't agree with all of Isreal's policies and actions, and I don't think all of Israel's policies are in line with the wishes and best interests of the Israelites but one point seems to rise above the rest: if the rest of the Arab world backs down from Israel there will be peace, if Israel backs down from the rest of the Arab world there will be no Israel.

Further on the Palastinian issue, I don't think most Israelites have a problem with the average Palastinian, and would be willing to work things out. It's the militants who constantly harass Israel and provoke attacks that continue to inflame the situation. The Gaza Strip has become a DMZ. Nobody wants to bomb innocent people in the Gaza Strip, but militants set up shop there and force confrontations. Every time Israel eases the blockade and lets it's guard down somebody sneaks in with a suicide bomb and forces Israel to clamp down again. I don't think these militants act in the best interests of the average Palastinian, and the average Palastinian would live much more stable lives if the militant actions ceased. The same cannot be said of Israeli defensive actions. Again, if Israel stopped defending itself (which includes blockades and occasional preemptive strikes) Israel would be overrun overnight.

James said...

You're welcome Ropestuff,
We don't necessarily agree on some things, but you're absolutely right with your above comment (you can add the NGO's who involved with disgusting agendas). My support of Israel's rights to existence and self defense are non negotiable and non debatable, period.
Now back to my standard blathering.

Ropestuff said...

I think I misspoke when I called the Gaza Strip a DMZ. What I meant to say is that it has become a no mans land. A point in the middle of a conflict where no man should go.

Ropestuff said...

I bow in respect, and thanks. Difference are human. And they tend to evolve on both sides as both sides attain better understanding.