Monday, August 3, 2015

History's Longest Wars

Ranker: The Longest Wars in History

Some conflicts are passed down from generation to generation, either because of their size, or because they simmer at a low boil with little violence. Others were ostensibly declared wars that never ended due to various diplomatic irregularities or political quirks. In either case, the wars listed here are the longest wars in history.

In fact, the longest war in history, the Punic Wars, lasted over two thousand years - but only had 80 years of combat. Another incredibly long war, the 335 Years War, never had a shot fired and had been forgotten about until a ceremonial treaty was signed ending it.

WNU Editor: There are some very long wars in this collection.

1 comment:

CatholicDragoon said...

The length to most of the wars is from some technicality. Personally, I don't consider most this list valid, a war lasting three centuries because Dutch settlers forgetting to write a peace agreement while fleeing angry tribesmen doesn't cut it.