Thursday, August 27, 2015

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 27, 2015


Daily Mail: Report: Pentagon investigation launched into U.S. military officials accused of inflating progress in the fight against ISIS

* Officials at United States Central Command, Centcom, are believed to have altered intelligence reports to provide a rosier picture of progress
* It is not yet known which or how many Centcom officials are under review
* Accusations had enough merit that House and Senate Intelligence Committees were notified

The Pentagon's inspector general has reportedly launched an investigation into U.S. military officials overseeing the fight against ISIS.
Officials at United States Central Command, Centcom, are believed to have altered intelligence reports to provide a rosier picture of progress in the fight against ISIS, according to the New York Times.

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 27, 2015

Pentagon Probe Seeks Signs Islamic State Intelligence Was Skewed -- WSJ

Pentagon IG Investigating Possibly Skewed Intelligence on ISIS Strikes --

MAKS: Is Russia developing an F-35-hunting UAV? -- Flight Global

Russia's 5G PAK-FA T-50 fighter debuts with stunt program at MAKS-2015 (VIDEO) -- RT

Testing of 5th generation Russian fighter to be over 2016 — commander -- ITAR-TASS

France pays Russia €900mn compensation for Mistral warships - reports -- RT

Egypt Emerges as Front-Runner in Mistral Warship Sweepstakes -- Sputnik

Russia, China wind up largest ever joint naval drills -- ITAR-TASS

China pulling out all stops for WWII military parade -- Channel News Asia

China's PLA set to acquire 24 Su-35s from Russia -- Want China Times

US Admiral: China 'Very Interested' in RIMPAC 2016 -- Diplomat

Japan Named and Launched its 2nd Izumo Class Helicopter Destroyer DDH-184 "Kaga" -- Navy Recognition

Paper Says German Spies Got Access to NSA Internet Surveillance Tool -- Dustin Volz, National Journal

NATO Chief Visits Tbilisi To Open Military Training Center -- Radio Free Europe

Poland to store U.S. military equipment from mid-2016: PAP agency -- Reuters

NATO stages huge airborne drill in Europe, says 'acting in purely defensive manner' -- RT

US Africa Command Troops Lack Equipment, Passports to Operate -- Sputnik

US Army To Choose New Landing Craft Next Year -- Defense News

Military seeks to use lasers to counter drones -- Air Force Times

Pentagon Officials at Odds With Top Generals Over F-35 Review -- Sputnik

Pentagon unveils data breach rules for defense contractors -- The Hill

Defense Department Wants Cargo Drones For the Pacific -- National Defense

The Army's new $30 billion Humvee could spark a big fight in Congress -- Fiscal Times

JLTV: If it can hold on, Oshkosh's win may restructure the military truck industry. -- James Hasik, Real Clear Defense

Army Cyber General Proposes New Mission to Fight Global Hacks -- Chronicle

US Army looks in-house for cyberwarriors -- NextGov

NSA worried super computers might break current encryption standards -- Tech Worm

NSA Mass Surveillance: Biggest Big Data Story -- Meta S. Brown, Forbes

Army women injured twice as often as men in combat training: report -- Washington Times

Memo shows Green Beret fighting to stay in Army was severely reprimanded for shoving Afghan rapist -- FOX News

Should One U.S. Service Rule the Military’s Drones? -- Marcus Weisgerber, Defense One

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