Thursday, August 27, 2015

Ukraine's Military Conscription Drive Falls Short

IBTimes: Ukraine Military Conscription Goal Of 25,000 Soldiers Not Met, More Waves Of Army Draft Expected

Ukraine’s sixth wave of military conscription was meant to be its last for 2015, but after only recruiting half of the needed 25,000 men, the country is facing several additional waves of conscription, or a mandatory military draft. Ukraine’s Deputy Defense Minister Peter Mehed told local media last week that it was possible that a seventh, eighth, or even ninth wave of mobilization would take place to meet the goal, according to a report published Thursday.

The sixth wave of conscription began on June 18, according to Ukrainian media. A ceasefire deal signed February in Minsk, Belarus, has failed to stem the conflict. When the conflict broke out in Ukraine in 2014, the country’s army was unprepared and poorly equipped, lacking even basic supplies such as helmets. Although the equipment supply has improved, after over a year of conflict experts told local media that low wages and uncertainty over the conflict’s end are most likely the factors driving low conscription numbers.

Update: Ukraine Conscription Falls Short by Half -- Defense News

WNU Editor: Everyone that I know in Ukraine is telling me the same thing .... no young man in Ukraine wants to join the Ukraine military in its present form and mission. The fact that they were still able to get half of what they expected is a miracle in itself.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

forced conscription was done from reports ive seen wnu