Saturday, August 15, 2015

The U.S. Secret Service Is On A Hiring Spree

Secret Service agents flank U.S. President Barack Obama as he crosses the tarmac to greet people who watched him arrive aboard Air Force One at the Oregon Air National Guard Base in Portland, Oregon May 7, 2015. REUTERS/JONATHAN ERNST

Reuters: Exclusive: Scandal-tainted U.S. Secret Service to hire 1,100 staff - sources

Facing accusations that it cannot adequately protect the White House, the U.S. Secret Service plans to hire 1,100 more officers and agents for an agency besieged by embarrassing scandals and security lapses, two law enforcement sources with direct knowledge of the plans said.

The addition of 700 uniformed division officers and 400 agents over five years would expand its staff of 6,647 by nearly 17 percent, the biggest hiring increase in more than a decade at the 150-year-old agency whose job it is to protect the president, his family, and senior officials, along with fighting financial crime.

The Secret Service is trying to rebound from a leadership crisis and mend a culture of covering up mistakes that some trace back 12 years to when it was pulled out of the Treasury Department and absorbed into the sprawling new Department of Homeland Security, where it had to compete for turf and money.

WNU Editor: Another sign that the world is becoming a very dangerous place.


Unknown said...

Organization have been compared to organism by sociologist. Organism and organizations have size limits.

The president could be surrounded by a phalanx of agents in every direction and more after that and he still wouldn't be safe.

He has only himself to blame. He did not take care of business.

May Obama live as long as Jimmy Carter or longer. That is the best at this point. The Republicans certainly have no balls. The Republicans as a whole (not talking individual;s) are such sopranos that impeachment is out of the question.

We only have 17 months of this fool.

Obama won't look as cool or potential cool as Jimmy Carter did with Habitat for Humanity. He will look like the schmuck that he is and that is the best.

phill said...

But they gave him the peace