Thursday, August 27, 2015

U.S. Law Of War Manual Allows Journalists To Be Held as 'Belligerents'

New York Times: Will the Pentagon Change Its Manual on the Law of War?

A senior lawyer at the Defense Department said last week that criticism about a section on the role and treatment of journalists in the Pentagon’s new Law of War manual, is “something of major concern.” And well it should be.

Charles Allen, a Pentagon lawyer, told Bob Garfield, the co-host of the National Public Radio show On the Media, that department officials are taking public comments into account to “make updates” to guidelines in the document that spells out the Pentagon’s view of the law of armed conflict.

That can’t happen quickly enough.

Update: DoD Manual Allows Journalists to Be Held as 'Belligerents' --

WNU Editor: if you have nothing better to to .... the 1,180 page Law of War manual is here.

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