WNU Editor: This news story continues unabated. I have listed links and posted some comments below.
Voice of America: More Refugees Pour Into Europe
WNU Editor: Greece is now receiving a new wave of refugees and migrants ... their system has utterly collapsed, and riots are now occurring. But Greece is the lucky one .... this is all temporary .... everyone wants to head to Germany and Sweden and they have no desire to stay in Greece and live in that economic mess.
NBC News: Germany to Spend $6.6 Billion on 800,000 Refugees and Migrants
WNU Editor: This works out to about $8,000/refugee ... would it not be more cheaper to take this money and make their lives more tolerable in Turkey/Lebanon/etc.? Apparently not .... and that $6.6 billion ... who actually believes that this number is going to be final. My prediction .... taking care of this flood of humanity is going to cost tens of billions .... and then more.
The Telegraph: Refugees will change Germany, Merkel says, as government releases £4.4bn to cope with crisis
WNU Editor: It will change Germany .... no doubt about that. According to the Telegraph the rate of migrants reaching Germany is approaching 100/hour. Estimates are now projecting numbers many times that .... even though the current infrastructure and available services cannot take care of the numbers who are in Germany today. If this is a positive thing to her .... I hate to know what is her perception of a negative.
Washington Post: Britain, France to accept some refugees as flow accelerates
WNU Editor: These French/British measures are a joke ... a drop in the bucket in regards to what is now coming.
The Guardian: UN agencies 'broke and failing' in face of ever-growing refugee crisis
WNU Editor: This will force even more to flee the Middle East/Africa/Asia to Europe.
Times of Israel: Migrants in the Balkans: Everyone wants to be Syrian
WNU Editor: The ugly truth is that many of these refugees/migrants are fleeing to Europe because of economic reasons .... not because of conflicts and wars ... and who would blame them .... all of them are coming from failed societies and countries.
The Local: Refugees protest against 'monotonous' Italian food
WNU Editor: Instead of being grateful .... they feel that they are entitled to better food. I like to think that this is an exception .... but a part of me wonders if this is an ominous sign of the future.
Reuters: In rich Gulf Arab states, some feel shamed by refugee response and CNN: Netanyahu: Israel starts building fence along border with Jordan.
WNU Editor: What does Israel and the Gulf states know about this refugee crisis that we do not .... why are they resisting demands to even admit one refugee.
Express: 'Just wait…' Islamic State reveals it has smuggled THOUSANDS of extremists into Europe
WNU Editor: I guess this explains why Israel and the Arab Gulf states do not want to accept these refugees.
WNU Editor: What is my prediction for the future .... unless the EU says no to future migrants/refugees .... unless it is strictly regulated and vetted .... be prepared to receive tens of millions in the next few years. And while I do believe that many in Europe do want to help these immigrants and refugees .... I also believe that many in Europe do not want to experience the economic/social/and cultural consequences and costs in being the "dumping ground" for the millions who are desperate around the world. I know that there is going to be a European backlash against this massive influx of people .... the only question that remains unanswered is .... when.
Interesting that we've seen no news reports at all about Syrian refugees clamoring to enter Russia.
I just spent a good amount of time typing out my thoughts on all this, and when I pressed 'publish' poof, error, everythings gone, i'm pissed, my thoughts being suppressed, everything i wrote erased in a flash everytime i try to write a l;onger post it's error and .......
Without a doubt the backlash will be the rise of fascist and or nationalist style regimes. First trying to gain power via votes and then via violence if they are frozen out of the political process like they have been in Sweden and Germany for example. A few large terrorist attacks could prove the trigger. I fully expect Russia will provide funding to the nationalist groups in the future as a number of them clearly do not agree with their 'elites' causing confrontation with Russia.
I was thinking this process might take a decade or two but if the flood of illegal migrants (invaders?) continues then who knows, maybe 5 years?
It could all have been avoided if the elites in the West actually cared enough about their own citizens, culture and countries instead of the short term gains of selling their civilisation and children's future out.
Catholic Dragon I know how you feel. I cannot tell you the many times that I was happy with something that I was about to post ... and then poof ... it is gone.
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