Friday, September 25, 2015

South Korea Has Put Together A Special Commando Unit To Attack North Korean Nuclear And Missile Assets

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Who says it's cold? The soldiers from the south-east Asian country and their fellow marines from Kaneho Bay, Hawaii, dive in the snow as if they were on a beach

Korea Herald: Seoul to create special unit to attack N.K. nuke, missile assets

South Korea is seeking to create a special unit in the Army tasked with destroying North Korea’s nuclear weapons, long-range missiles and other strategic assets should an emergency break out, military officials said Wednesday.

The brigade-level organization will be installed within the Army’s Special Warfare Command, with its primary mission being to “strike the enemy’s core strategic targets,” the command stated in a report submitted to the National Assembly’s defense committee for a parliamentary audit.

Update: South Korea assembling special forces to destroy North Korea's military targets -- UPI

WNU Editor: I thought they already had such a unit.

1 comment:

Daniel said...

How's South Korea southeast Asia? Relative to Russia maybe but that's not the standard nomenclature by far.