Saturday, September 19, 2015

U.S. War Scenarios In The Baltics Show Them Losing To Russia All The Time

Image from The Economist

Julia Ioffe, Foreign Policy: Exclusive: The Pentagon Is Preparing New War Plans for a Baltic Battle Against Russia

But the really troubling thing is that in the war games being played, the United States keeps losing.

For the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the U.S. Department of Defense is reviewing and updating its contingency plans for armed conflict with Russia.

The Pentagon generates contingency plans continuously, planning for every possible scenario — anything from armed confrontation with North Korea to zombie attacks. But those plans are also ranked and worked on according to priority and probability. After 1991, military plans to deal with Russian aggression fell off the Pentagon’s radar. They sat on the shelf, gathering dust as Russia became increasingly integrated into the West and came to be seen as a potential partner on a range of issues. Now, according to several current and former officials in the State and Defense departments, the Pentagon is dusting off those plans and re-evaluating them, updating them to reflect a new, post-Crimea-annexation geopolitical reality in which Russia is no longer a potential partner, but a potential threat.

WNU Editor: The problem with all of these plans and scenarios is that in the end .... nuclear weapons will be used. And as much as the Pentagon likes to think that such a hypothetical conflict will be limited to conventional forces ..... this is definitely one conflict where such a military plan will probably be obsolete within a few hours .... if not sooner.


James said...

Ah, the nukes:

Unknown said...

"After 1991, military plans to deal with Russian aggression fell off the Pentagon’s radar. They sat on the shelf, gathering dust as Russia became increasingly integrated into the West and came to be seen as a potential partner on a range of issues."

How could this happen in a world in which the U.S. is dedicated to taking over at least according to some conspiracists?

Utho said...

:-D I guess the US has better chances of winning against Russia in the Baltics, than Russia would have ... in Honduras, Nicaragua and Guatemala against the US.
This may be taken as a point in search for the answer to the question for the most aggressive strategic posturing.

Unknown said...

Daniel Ortega is still in charge of Nicaragua.

There might be an ebb & flow but one could argue the disease remains and progress (the trend).

Now Daniel of the $200 Rayban sunglasses (1980 dollars) has compadres in Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia.