Saturday, September 26, 2015

Was Yesterday's China - U.S. Summit A Success?

Bloomberg: Scoring Obama and Xi: Big Goals But Not Much Agreement

President Barack Obama welcomed Chinese president Xi Jinping to the White House Friday for what Obama described as "candid conversations" spanning controversial topics from cybersecurity to human rights and territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

Xi said the conversations were “constructive and productive” and that the Chinese were eager to engage in “win-win cooperation” with the U.S.

So, how’d they do? Here’s a scorecard on what the two leaders agreed to, and where they appear to remain divided:

WNU Editor: The Chinese President went to Washington to maintain the status quo. Keep the trade deficit in China's favour, give his A-OK and support for Chinese business efforts to form strategic partnership with America's jet builders, tell America's internet tech companies that if they want to do business with China they must follow Chinese rules, placate the U.S. green lobby in promising to establish a cap-and-trade program (which in China I know will only be used by the elites to enrich themselves), make vague assurances that China's maritime border disputes with its neighbours will be resolved, ignore discussions on North Korea, ignore discussions on human rights, and .... promise President Obama that he will do something about cyber attacks and espionage. As for the U.S. media's attention to this state visit .... they were more focused on the bigger story which was this .... Michelle Obama Steals Show at State Dinner With Vera Wang Dress (Slate).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is a really good summary and is why the new media, the 5th estate, is better than the old media, the 4th estate, run by the chattering classes.